- Funding programme or initiative
- EMFAF Spain Programme 2021-2027
- Country
- Spain
- Lighthouse
- Atlantic and Arctic basin
- Deadline date
- 31 December 2024
- Status
- Closed
- Publication date
- 01 January 2024
- Mission Objectives
- 1. Ecosystems and Biodiversity2. Pollution prevention and elimination
- Mission Topics
- Relevant to Blue Parks Community
- Associated Regions
- No
Under Spain’s 2021-2027 EMFAF Programme, the “Aid to reduce the effect of fishing 2024” call has been launched for the Basque Country.
Reduce the impact of fishing on the marine environment, support the gradual elimination of discards and facilitate the transition to sustainable exploitation of marine biological resources that allows achieving maximum sustainable yield.
The investments that may be eligible for subsidies will be the following:
- Equipment that increases the size or species selectivity of fishing gear.
- On board or in equipment to eliminate discards by avoiding and reducing unwanted catches of commercial stocks or to treat unwanted catches that must be landed in accordance with Article 15 of Regulation No. 1380/2013.
- Equipment that limits and, if possible, eliminates the physical and biological effects of fishing activities on the ecosystem or the seabed.
- Equipment to protect fishing gear and catches from mammals and birds protected by Directives, relating to the conservation of wild birds, provided that the selectivity of fishing gear is not limited, and all measures are applied to avoid physical damage to predators.
Eligible applicants:
The EMFAF grants target Fishermen or owners of fishing vessels, including communities of property. A number of requirements apply. Refer to the ‘Who is it addressed to’ (A quién va dirigido) section in the page accessed with this link for more details.
The maximum co-financing rate from the EMFF for a specific objective should be 70% of the eligible public expenditure, except for the specific objective referred to in Article 14(1)(e), for which it shall be 100 %. Refer to the call document for more details.