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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

ADEME – French Environment and Energy Management Agency

Level of governance
Atlantic and Arctic basinMediterranean Sea basin
Funding mechanisms
Managing institutions
French Environment and Energy Management Agency
Mission Objectives
1. Ecosystems and Biodiversity2. Pollution prevention and elimination3. Carbon Neutral and Circular Blue Economy

Description of the funding initiative

The French Environment and Energy Management Agency (Agence française de l’environnement et de la maîtrise de l’énergie (ADEME)) coordinates environmental protection and energy management activities under the supervision of the Ministries of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, and Ecological Transition and Solidarity. To accelerate the reduction of energy consumption, promote the introduction of renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Agency collaborates with the government, businesses, communities and citizens through the following main programmes: 

  • Green Fund - To support significant industrial investment projects with substantial positive impacts (territorial, ecological, and socio-economic), which contribute to bolstering the industrialisation of strategic value chains for ecological transition. 
  • Circular Economy Fund – To support the implementation of waste and circular economy policy in France. Its goal is to assist local authorities and influence stakeholders' behavior through investments in sorting, recycling, valorisation facilities, and preventive actions. 
  • Heat Fund – To develop renewable heat production facilities and district heating networks in collective housing, communities, and businesses to achieve the national target of 32% renewable energy by 2030. 
  • France 2030 – To support and finance innovations and industrialisation, through calls for projects in the following areas: decarbonisation of industry, decarbonised hydrogen, recycling, bio-based products, decarbonisation of mobility, renewable energies, sustainable cities and wood-forestry. Managed by the General Secretariat for Investment (SGPI) on behalf of the Prime Minister, the plan is implemented by 4 operators: ADEME, the National Research Agency (ANR), Bpifrance, and the Banque des Territoires. 

Overview of eligibility requirements for applicants

Eligibility requirements are dependent on the Programme, and some programmes target specific actors.  

Consult the following pages for the different Programmes for information about eligible applicants, financing rules, and proposal/funding application procedures: 

Rules on co-financing

Please consult individual Programmes for details. 

Procedures to submit proposal

Please consult individual Programmes for details. 

Relevant websites

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