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Mutual Learning Exercise on Citizen Science Initiatives- Policy and Practice

An increasing number of citizen science projects and initiatives are being implemented across Europe. They mostly taking place at local or national level, but some are co-ordinated internationally. This rapidly emerging mode of research and innovation shows a big potential to achieve greater societal impact and increase trust in science by leveraging collective societal capabilities, enlarging the scope of the R&I and increasing relevance, responsiveness and transparency. However, existing national and regional policies to support them are still at an early stage of development in many countries. Europe would benefit from a greater attention towards the promotion of citizen science within Member States and regions, and from a greater cooperation and shared approaches across the European Research Area.

The MLE aims to facilitate the exchange of information, experiences and lessons learned, as well as to support and scale up citizen science through identifying the good practices, policies and programmes of the various approaches at local, regional and national level, towards supporting and scaling up citizen science. Another objective is to identify citizen science campaigns that have high potential to be implemented in a collaborative way across the European Research Area.

PSF Geo coverage
Norway Austria Belgium France Germany Hungary Italy Portugal Romania Slovenia Sweden
PSF Exercise type
Challenge/ MLEs
