Since 2015, the Horizon Policy Support Facility gives Member States and countries associated to Horizon Europe practical support to design, implement and evaluate reforms that enhance the quality of their research and innovation investments, policies and systems.
The Horizon Europe Policy Support Facility, launched in February 2021, provides good practice, independent high-level expertise and guidance at the request of Member States and Associated Countries through a number of services:
PSF Country (formerly PSF Peer Reviews & Specific support to countries) is an in-depth assessments of a country's R&I system (or of parts of it) carried out by a panel of experts and peers and leading to actionable policy recommendations to the national authorities on reforms necessary to strengthen their R&I system.
PSF Challenge includes the PSF Mutual Learning Exercises and is focused on specific and operational R&I challenges of interest to several volunteering countries. It aims to identify good practice, lessons learned and success factors.
PSF Open allows countries having already benefitted from a PSF exercise to receive support to follow-up on the PSF recommendations.
"The PSF review served as a key inspiration in the drafting of our National R&I Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027, and we are particularly grateful to the professional support that DG R&I’s PSF mechanism has leveraged for the benefit of our R&I policy and monitoring work, benchmarking, and general expertise."
Omar Cutajar, Director for Policy, Strategy and Internationalisation - Malta Council for Science and Technology
At the request of national administrations with R&I competences, the Policy Support Facility provides customer-oriented services to support evidence-based policy making. PSF activities are regularly presented and discussed in the European Research Area and Innovation Committee (ERAC).
To request a PSF exercise, national ministries can contact the PSF Team at RTD-PSF@ec.europa.eu for preliminary discussions before submitting an official request.
For more information on the Horizon Europe Policy Support Facility 2021-2027, this presentation provides a useful summary.
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PSF Czechia Dissemination event
PSF MLE on AI in Science ''Topic 1 - Framework conditions and funding for AI in Science'' in Brussels, Belgium
Policy Support Facility for an Innovative Europe
PSF News
Moving forward on the national implementation of EU Missions
The Mutual Learning Exercise on EU missions implementation at national level concluded its activities. Read more to explore the lessons learned.
Finland’s next step in research and business cooperation
PSF Country in Finland has started. The review will be conducted to analyse and address the barriers hindering public-private collaboration within Finland’s research and innovation (R&I) ecosystem. Discover more about this new exercise.
Romania’s path towards a modern R&I system based on PSF advice
The third PSF Insights article is out! Romania has taken concrete actions to implement PSF recommendations.
Transforming Bulgaria's public research system with PSF support
PSF Country in Bulgaria has started with the goal of designing and implementing structural reforms within the national research and innovation system. Discover more about this new exercise.
How is Greece strengthening its research infrastructures with the help of the Policy Support Facility?
The second PSF Insights article has been released! Explore how the Policy Support Facility is supporting Greece to transform its research infrastructures.