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PSF Country

PSF Country (formerly PSF Peer Reviews & Specific support to countries) is an in-depth assessments of a country's Research & Innovation system carried out by a panel of experts and peers, leading to actionable policy recommendations to the national authorities on reforms necessary to strengthen their R&I system.

It can take the form of a general assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the country’s R&I ecosystem, but it can also focus on a number of specific elements (e.g. reform of universities, knowledge-transfer system, etc.), as agreed with the country under review.

Czechia -

The objective of the PSF review is to provide external advice and operational recommendations to the country's authorities on reforming the Czech technology transfer offices (TTOs) sector, taking into account internationally proven good practice. 

The recommendations will be backed by evidence, best practice and analyses of similar approaches and reforms introduced in other countries and it should be feasible to implement them in the national context.

Ukraine -

The aim of this PSF Country review to support Ukraine is to provide external state-of the-art advice and operational recommendations to the country’s authorities that would help focus limited public funds to stimulate the development of additional cutting-edge Research Infrastructures, which would become a place of attraction for Ukrainian and European researchers and increase research and innovation production and quality

The exercise will focus on following areas:

Moldova -

The Republic of Moldova’s Ministry of Education, Culture and Research requested PSF support in relation to three topics. The challenges consist of the set-up of comprehensive policies for the development and effective use of public research and innovation (R&I) infrastructures; the review of the funding system for public research; and measures aimed at strengthening the links between research and business.

Greece -

This PSF review will address the 28 Greek Research Infrastructures (RIs) included in and supported by the National Multi-Annual Budgeting Plan 2014-20, following three areas: 

Croatia -

The objective of the review of Croatia’s research and innovation system is to provide support in enhancing the programme framework and the administrative capacities of the Croatian Science Foundation (CSF).

Romania -

The objective of the review of Romania’s research and innovation system is to provide support to the country in its efforts in reforming its public science sphere. This aims to improve the quality and performance of the national R&I system and help the integration of Romania into the European Research Area (ERA).