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Support to Czechia on its reforms of the Technology Transfer Offices sector

The objective of the PSF review is to provide external advice and operational recommendations to the country's authorities on reforming the Czech technology transfer offices (TTOs) sector, taking into account internationally proven good practice. 

The recommendations will be backed by evidence, best practice and analyses of similar approaches and reforms introduced in other countries and it should be feasible to implement them in the national context.

The PSF review will cover the following elements:

  • Analyses of the needs to which TTOs should answer and identification of the current gaps/ under-performance in addressing those needs.
  • Identification of the tools to be used by policymakers for optimising the functions and performances of the TTOs, their local and international linkages. 
  • Definition of the appropriate institutional setting, roles and functions of TTOs in different organisations within the Czech TT environment. 
  • If relevant, recommendations on the possible establishment of a central TT authority, including the definition of its role and competences. 
  • Identification of the areas and means for cooperation between TTOs and regional innovation centres in the TT process.

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PSF Exercise type
