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Support to Moldova on reforms in the public R&D sector

The Republic of Moldova’s Ministry of Education, Culture and Research requested PSF support in relation to three topics. The challenges consist of the set-up of comprehensive policies for the development and effective use of public research and innovation (R&I) infrastructures; the review of the funding system for public research; and measures aimed at strengthening the links between research and business.

This PSF activity helps to address ongoing challenges in the Moldovan R&I landscape by providing recommendations that will inform the design of future R&I policies. The project is carried out by a dedicated PSF panel consisting of independent experts and national peers. 

The reform of the Moldovan R&I system is still ongoing and the current PSF activity is expected to feed into the design of future R&I policies. The next R&I National Programme is planned to cover the 2024-2027 period. It is set to outline a complex set of activities designed to address shortcomings and provide the conditions needed to increase the effectiveness, relevance, and international competitiveness of Moldovan R&I.
