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A new aircraft propulsion system to cut CO2 emissions

Air traffic volumes are projected to double by the mid-2030s, with CO2 emissions from aircraft expected to do likewise without new fuel-efficient aircraft entering the market. EU-funded researchers are exploring a propulsion method to reduce fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions - good for the environment and the industry's competitiveness.

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Keeping track of ocean plastic

EU-funded research is developing advanced modelling tools to help assess the full extent of the problem of plastic pollution in our oceans and how it is affecting the marine environment. The tools will help policymakers design targeted measures to address a big and growing issue.

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Making clothes from plastic debris found at sea

About 400 kg per square kilometre: this, according to estimates, is the amount of mostly plastic waste littering European seas. Some of it can be upcycled into high-quality clothing, claimed a Spanish SME, which carried out an EU-funded feasibility study to work out the details. And indeed, such garments are now available in its shops.

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