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Research and Innovation

The Joint Research Centre: the European Commission's science and knowledge service

Scientific knowledge plays a crucial role in addressing global challenges such as climate change, demographic changes, or economic crises. We act as science providers and knowledge brokers by providing the best available evidence to policymakers. Our aim is to use scientific knowledge to build solutions that are efficient, equitable and sustainable.

The Green Driving tool-measured fuel costs and CO2 emissions of a car journey from Brussels to the JRC site in Ispra, Italy © EU, 2016

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In the area of Sustainable Transport JRC provides scientific support to the development of Commission policies in the field of low-carbon technologies for transport. For example:

  • Scientific assessments of advanced clean and intelligent transport technologies, alternative fuels use through laboratory experiments in large test facilities VELA.
  • Support to the electrification of road transport by running the European Electric Vehicle Interoperability Centre.
  • Support to the competitiveness of the European transport industry by assisting in the development of the Strategic Transport Research and Innovation Agenda (STRIA).
  • Research into energy storage technologies in support of European energy and transport policies.

At the TRA event the JRC will play a major role in the scientific conference. Several aspects of JRC work and some online demonstrations will be available, such as the Green Driving tool.

The Green driving tool

In line with the Commission's ambition to move towards low and zero-emission vehicles and in support of the Commission’s initiatives for the decarbonisation of transport in Europe the JRC has developed the ‘Green Driving Tool’. The interactive web-based instrument allows estimating the fuel costs and CO2 emissions of individual car journeys. Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport: "The Green Driving Tool (…) helps consumers make better informed choices for their car transport needs and shows them how they can lower CO2 emissions and fuel costs. It is an excellent example of how science can support policy objectives and provide practical tools to tackle societal challenges and empower citizens.”

Following one year of usage of the tool and several references to it by national media1, the tool has been referred to in the EC Communication Delivering on low-emission mobility (COM(2017) 0675) as an instrument made available to “improve consumers’ ability to make more refined choices when purchasing or using a vehicle”.


The vehicle simulations and the estimates returned by the Green Driving tool are powered by CO2MPAS. It was developed by the JRC to support the introduction of the Worldwide harmonised Light vehicles Test Procedures (WLTP) in the type-approval of light-duty vehicles for what concerns the CO2targets set by regulations 2009/443 and 2011/510, on reduction of CO2 emissions from respectively new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. The use of CO2MPAS is defined by European Regulations 2017/1152 and 2017/1153.

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