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Climate & global change

Making island energy grids more efficient and sustainable

Energy costs more on islands, as they are typically isolated from the national grid. While greater use of renewable energy could lower these costs, most European islands don’t have the necessary grid infrastructure. The EU-funded INSULAE project’s demonstrations showcased the technical and economic viability of decentralising island energy supplies, paving a way to affordable, sustainable energy.

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Tipping point study finds world’s oceans face irreversible damage

A 4-year study funded by the EU has revealed the presence of a climate feedback loop that threatens to push marine ecosystems beyond critical thresholds. Researchers in the COMFORT project say action is needed now to prevent rising temperatures, ocean acidification and falling oxygen levels causing irrevocable changes to ocean habitats.

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Creating the world’s first map of the Arctic permafrost

Permafrost coasts are one of the most dynamic ecosystems on Earth and they are undergoing rapid change. The EU-funded Nunataryuk project assessed the impacts of thawing coastal and subsea permafrost on the global climate. Their work on adaptation and mitigation strategies is also helping to build resilience in Arctic coastal populations.

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Low-cost sensors offer improved monitoring of air quality

Airborne pollutants are a threat to researchers and citizens alike. Using low-cost sensing technologies, the EU-funded VIDIS project hopes to deliver more accurate assessments of particulate matter exposure. Routine monitoring of air quality could offer significant health benefits for EU citizens.

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Mapping out the EU’s future role on the global stage

International coordination is essential to addressing challenges including trade and development, security, climate change, migration and global finance. The EU-funded GLOBE project has identified major trends the EU should take into account for its future strategies in this arena. The work will help keep EU citizens and their interests at the heart of global governance for decades to come.

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Protecting critical infrastructure in Cyprus from natural disasters

Essential services such as water, energy and transport are increasingly under pressure from climate change, cyberattack and their own growing complexity. The EU-funded KIOS Centre of Excellence, powered by young researchers, has been developing digital solutions that protect key services. The work will keep EU citizens safe while boosting the knowledge-based economy in Cyprus and beyond.

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Plain sailing: game-changing EU tech is helping the maritime industry go green

The shipping industry is responsible for 3% of global carbon emissions, putting it under the spotlight for environmental upgrades. Two game-changing vessel designs have now been produced with the help of EU funding, along with retrofit technologies for existing cruise ships and bulk carriers. Maritime sustainability is a key EU priority on the continent’s journey to slashing carbon emissions while creating opportunities for green economic growth and jobs.

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