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Clean Sky 2 - the largest research programme for aviation ever launched in Europe

It develops innovative, cutting-edge technologies aimed at reducing CO2, gas emissions and noise levels produced by aircraft, for incorporation into the next generations of aircraft from 2025 onwards.

© AIRBUS 2017 – photo by S.RAMADIER

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Clean Sky 2, part of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme and a Joint Undertaking of the European Commission and the European aeronautics industry, is the largest research programme for aviation ever launched in Europe. It develops innovative, cutting-edge technologies aimed at reducing CO2, gas emissions and noise levels produced by aircraft, for incorporation into the next generations of aircraft from 2025 onwards. These breakthrough technologies include more aerodynamic wings, lighter and more efficient engines, smarter systems, brand-new aircraft configurations, and a more sustainable aircraft lifecycle, for large, regional, and small planes, and helicopters.

By spearheading European aeronautics research culminating in demonstrations of game-changing new vehicle configurations, Clean Sky will enable the aeronautics industry to introduce innovations in timescales that would otherwise be unachievable. In so doing, Clean Sky will drive environmental improvements, increase transport efficiency and contribute to strengthening European global leadership and competitiveness. The Clean Sky 2 programme represents a total budget of €4 billion over 7 years.

The programme consists of four elements:

  • Three Innovative Aircraft Demonstrator Platforms, for Large Passenger Aircraft, Regional Aircraft and Fast Rotorcraft, developing and testing flying demonstrators at the full aircraft/vehicle level;
  • Three Integrated Technology Demonstrators, looking at Airframe, Engines and Systems, using demonstrators at major integrated system level;
  • Two Transverse Activities, for Small Air Transport and Eco-Design, integrating the knowledge of different demonstrators for specific applications and enabling synergies to be exploited between different platforms through shared projects and results;
  • The Technology Evaluator, monitoring and assessing the environmental and societal impact of the technologies developed in the programme.

Since its launch in 2014, Clean Sky 2 has gathered participants from 27 countries: 22 EU Member States, plus three EU associated countries (Switzerland, Turkey, and Israel) and 2 third countries (Russia and Canada).

With over 540 participants so far, Clean Sky 2 brings together the entire aeronautics industry including large companies, SMEs, research centres and academia, strengthening European aero-industry collaboration for the best innovative results.

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€ 4

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