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Detecting tiny exhaust particles to improve human health

Tiny particles in vehicle exhaust are damaging to human health, but some of these emissions have been too small to accurately measure until now. An EU-funded project is developing innovative technologies to achieve real-time analysis of emissions of ultrafine particles smaller than 23 nanometres.

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Designer bugs for creating greener plastics

Plastics are desirable because they are very durable and resistant to degradation. Plastic waste is undesirable because of these very properties. EU-funded researchers are designing bacteria to efficiently consume plastic waste and turn it into novel destructible plastic - good for the environment and health.

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Smarter wings for bird-like flights

Taking inspiration from nature, an EU-funded project is developing smart airplane wings that can sense changes in pressure and adapt their shape instantaneously. These airplanes of the future will be more energy efficient and silent: more bird-like, in effect.

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