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Think smart for better transport planning

The more planners know about how people move around a city, the easier it is for them to develop sustainable transport policies. EU-funded researchers have used data from personal smart devices to shed light on urban mobility and improve transport planning tools and models.

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Harnessing the sun to clean up industrial processes

The production of cement and lime involves fossil fuels and produces harmful greenhouse gases. Industry could change this, if scientists can develop a technology that can use solar power for high temperature industrial processes. The EU-funded SOLPART project has built lab-scale reactors that use a solar powered process to meet this need.

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Composing better biocomposites

High-performance biocomposites derived from wheat straw and recycled paper? EU-funded researchers have developed new materials and components based on substances isolated from these renewable residues. They have also found a way to extract silica from the straw, offering a greener alternative to current production methods for this compound.

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Clearing the fog: an end to clouded climate predictions

Limited understanding of the role of aerosols in our climate system means a lack of policies addressing them. The EU-funded BACCHUS project aims to expand understanding of how clouds are affected, providing the knowledge for improved climate models and projections, and - eventually - more effective policies for sustainability and climate change mitigation.

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