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Revitalising rural areas through social innovation

From local recycling schemes to community-led business start-ups, social innovation can drive the revitalisation of marginalised areas where markets and public administrations have failed. EU-funded researchers are studying examples of social innovation and exploring how best practices can be shared across Europe and beyond.

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From prosthetics to recycling, 3D printing makes its mark

A loan supported by the InnovFin-EU finance for innovators initiative under the EU's Horizon 2020 programme and extended by the European Investment Bank has helped Dutch 3D printing company Ultimaker strengthen its R&D and release new products. This will add to Ultimaker printers' already wide range of uses which includes making prosthetics and recycling plastic.

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Flagship ecosystems... serve nature 'and' people

Environmental imperatives aside, healthy ecosystems and rich biodiversity are essential to human populations too! This is especially true in developing countries, where more people rely directly on 'ecosystem services' for their livelihoods. But little is known about the complex links between human well-being and the state of biodiversity and ecosystems. An EU-backed international study takes up the challenge principally in Tanzania and Kenya.

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