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Climate & global change

A new aircraft propulsion system to cut CO2 emissions

Air traffic volumes are projected to double by the mid-2030s, with CO2 emissions from aircraft expected to do likewise without new fuel-efficient aircraft entering the market. EU-funded researchers are exploring a propulsion method to reduce fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions - good for the environment and the industry's competitiveness.

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Smarter wings for bird-like flights

Taking inspiration from nature, an EU-funded project is developing smart airplane wings that can sense changes in pressure and adapt their shape instantaneously. These airplanes of the future will be more energy efficient and silent: more bird-like, in effect.

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Delivering Aviation 4.0

On the surface, 'digitalisation' might sound like just another trending but meaningless buzzword. But digitalisation is real and is radically changing the way we live and more specifically the way we travel. SESAR, the technological pillar of the Single Europe Sky, is working with stakeholders in the aviation value chain to develop and deliver tech solutions to meet the passenger demand for seamless, smart and safe air travel.

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