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Delivering Aviation 4.0

On the surface, 'digitalisation' might sound like just another trending but meaningless buzzword. But digitalisation is real and is radically changing the way we live and more specifically the way we travel. SESAR, the technological pillar of the Single Europe Sky, is working with stakeholders in the aviation value chain to develop and deliver tech solutions to meet the passenger demand for seamless, smart and safe air travel.

© Simone Pelatti

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The world of aviation is changing. Starting with the aircraft, which is set to become more autonomous, more connected, more intelligent, and more diverse. Air traffic is projected to grow significantly, from several thousands of conventional aircraft in operation every day to potentially hundreds ofthousands of air vehicles (such as drones), operating in all areas, including cities. Services must also evolve as tomorrow’s passengers increasingly expect smart and personalised mobility options that allow them to travel seamlessly and efficiently.

To deliver this new era of travel, digitalisation is key - whether it's through harnessing the Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, augmented reality or quantum computing. SESAR is embracing the technologies on offer to build an air traffic management system that can handle the growth and diversity of traffic efficiently, safely and with minimum environmental impact. In doing so, it is helping to deliver the best possible passenger experience while also unlocking tremendous economic value for Europe. See RETINA project example

RETINA: keeping an augmented eye on air traffic control

Controllers in airport towers rely on being able to see planes taking off and landing in order to manage them safely and efficiently. But when bad weather sets in, their visual situational awareness can be impaired. The initial results from the SESAR-funded exploratory research project, Resilient Synthetic Vision for Advanced Control Tower Air Navigation Service Provision (RETINA), are showing the promise that augmented reality holds for enhancing air traffic control operations, particularly in low-visibility conditions.

Using synthetic vision, virtual and augmented reality technologies, RETINA has developed a set of goggles through which controllers can see 3D matrix-like displays overlaid on the actual “out-of-the-window” view. With these goggles, the controller can have a head-up view of the airport traffic, including information such as wind velocity and direction, airport layout and runway status, even during low visibility procedures.

SESAR is exploiting investment in these technologies and in 2016 it delivered a first set of tech solutions for which synchronised deployment plans are underway, promising approximately €12.1bn worth of performance gains for the aviation industry alone. Passengers will see the benefits for themselves since the solutions will help shave 20 minutes off average door-to-door travel times, save 10 kg in fuel and 15 euros off tickets.

With these solutions, SESAR has set in motion the digital transformation of aviation, enabling better information sharing and synchronisation, and the delivery of a high-performing aviation and air traffic management system. SESAR 2020, the next wave of research and innovation, will progressively integrate digitally-enabled solutions, in line with EU Aviation Strategy and with stakeholders’ needs both now and in the future. New SESAR innovations will continue to be delivered, increasing the pace of change towards this new era in aviation.

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Project details

Project acronym
Project number
Project coordinator: Italy
Project participants:
United Kingdom
Total cost
€ 1 072 910
EU Contribution
€ 949 160
Project duration

See also

More information about project RETINA

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