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Climate & global change

IT platform to improve disaster management

Society is increasingly exposed and vulnerable to natural disasters. Extreme weather events are becoming more common across Europe and the world. EU-funded researchers are developing an IT platform to support the entire disaster-management cycle.

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Predicting Atlantic Ocean and climate changes... new insights

European researchers joined forces with Atlantic African counterparts to explore the impacts of ocean changes on weather patterns, marine ecosystems and the wider socio-economic consequences for the region. Their findings uncover new thinking and calculations for wind, currents, and other factors in accurately modelling sea surface temperatures.

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Reliable climate data to support research

An EU-funded project is bringing insights from metrology - measurement science - to bear on observation of the Earth's climate from space. This could improve understanding of the climate and help predict changes to it, furthering European efforts in this field.

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Scientists take the temperature of hot cities

EU-funded scientists took the global warming battle literally to the streets of the cities that generate disproportionate heat fluxes, especially during increasingly prevalent heat waves. The URBANFLUXES team combined local readings and satellite-based data to map hot spots, which can help planners tackle the problem.

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The full Mediterranean 'data' package

An EU-backed research team is developing a new interoperable and cost-effective platform to integrate and package marine and coastal data from sensors, together with oceanographic models and mobile applications for improved observation and forecasting across the Mediterranean Basin.

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