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Supporting Water Literacy in European Schools: Results of ProBleu Funding Calls Announced


ProBleu is empowering schools leading the way in educating the younger generation about the protecting our oceans and freshwater. Over the course of three years, the project offers funding and support to at least 100 schools, to develop exciting new educational and citizen science projects. 

Primary and secondary schools play an essential role in shaping the future of our oceans and waters. Through education in schools, children are introduced to the importance of safeguarding marine and freshwater ecosystems. To support this important cause, ProBlue funding calls are making a difference in the development of ocean literacy projects. 

The first ProBleu funding call has received over 80 applications from 19 countries. Funding was granted to 11 projects – 7 schools presenting ocean and marine education projects and 4 schools selected for their freshwater education projects. The projects from the first funding call have been granted funding of over 87,000 Euros. Projects from Romania, Spain, the United Kingdom, Sweden, France, and Estonia have showcased their innovative and engaging initiatives, which are already making a difference for future generations. From building marine shelters to monitoring water quality, each project has found a unique way to engage children and demonstrate the importance of protecting our oceans and waters. Find out more about the schools and projects selected for funding here

Stay tuned for the results of the second funding call and mark your calendars for the third funding call – which will be announced in September! 

ProBleu promotes ocean and water literacy in schools across Europe. The project provides funding to teach children about the importance of protecting the oceans and water and promotes a European Blue School Network. Learn more about the project here