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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

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Call for voluntary commitments to support the 2030 Mediterranean MPA Roadmap. 

On World Oceans Day, the Mediterranean network of Marine Protected Area (MPA) Managers (MedPAN) and the Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC) announced a call for voluntary commitments to support the 2030 Mediterranean MPA Roadmap. 

A dedicated web platform and the Road to 2030 Commitment Form were launched to facilitate this initiative. These tools enable Mediterranean marine conservation and MPA stakeholders to showcase their activities and align their efforts with the recommendations of the Post-2020 Mediterranean MPAs Roadmap. The Roadmap, coordinated by MedPAN and SPA/RAC, aims to enhance marine conservation efforts across the Mediterranean region. 

Participants are encouraged to use these resources to identify how their current or planned actions contributed to the strategic objectives, recommendations and indicators outlined in the Roadmap. By doing so, they can better understand and demonstrate their role in advancing these critical conservation goals. 

To support participants in this process, a comprehensive FAQ section has been made available on the website. Additionally, the MPA Forum team is on hand to provide assistance and address any questions or issues that arose. 

This initiative represents a significant step towards a collaborative and effective approach to marine conservation in the Mediterranean, ensuring the protection and sustainability of these vital ecosystems for future generations. 

Check out the platform here