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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

Regional Programme Calabria ERDF ESF+ 2021-2027

Level of governance
Mediterranean Sea basin
Funding mechanisms
Managing institutions
Dipartimento Programmazione Unitaria. Dirigente Generale pro-tempore Dipartimento Programmazione Unitaria
Mission Objectives
1. Ecosystems and Biodiversity2. Pollution prevention and elimination3. Carbon Neutral and Circular Blue Economy
Mission Topics
Relevant to Blue Parks Community

Description of the funding initiative

The FESR FSE+ Calabria Regional Programme 2021-2027 has the following priorities:  

  1. A more competitive and intelligent Calabria  
  2. A more resilient and sustainable Calabria  
  3. A more connected Calabria  
  4. A more social and inclusive Calabria 
  5. A Calabria closer to citizens  

Objectives under Priority two align with Mission Ocean and Waters objectives. Objective RSO2.1 seeks to promote energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, objective RSO2.2 focuses on the promotion of renewable energies, objective RSO2.6 focuses on promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy and objective RSO2.7 reinforces the protection and conservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, also in urban areas, and reduce all forms of pollution. 

Overview of eligibility requirements for applicants

Eligible beneficiaries are objective dependent. Please consult each call for more details.  

Rules on co-financing

Average co-financing rate of 70%. Consult the Regional Programme document for more details.  

Procedures to submit proposal

Interested parties must submit an online application through the Fincalabra IT platform ( A digital identity (SPID or CNS) is needed. Please refer to each proposal for more information. 

Information on how to submit an application for research, development and innovation projects can be found here.  

Calls for proposals page: 

Relevant websites

Contact points

Dipartimento Programmazione Unitaria. Dirigente Generale pro-tempore Dipartimento Programmazione Unitaria  

+39 0961853405 

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