- Sector
- Public
- Level of governance
- EURegional
- Country
- Italy
- Lighthouse
- Mediterranean Sea basin
- Funding mechanisms
- Grants
- Managing institutions
- Servizio Autorità di Gestione Unica FESR – FSE
- Mission Objectives
- 1. Ecosystems and Biodiversity3. Carbon Neutral and Circular Blue Economy
- Mission Topics
- Relevant to Blue Parks Community
Description of the funding initiative
The FESR Abruzzo Regional Programme 2021-2027 has the following priorities:
- Research, competitiveness and development
- Digital connectivity
- Energy and Environment
- Sustainable Urban mobility
- Rebalancing Abruzzo for widespread well-being
- Technical assistance
Objectives under Priority three align with Mission Ocean and Waters objectives. Objective RSO2.1 seeks to promote energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, objective RSO2.2 focuses on the promotion of renewable energies, objective RSO2.6 focuses on promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy and objective RSO2.7 reinforces the protection and conservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, also in urban areas, and reduce all forms of pollution.
Overview of eligibility requirements for applicants
Eligible beneficiaries are objective dependent. Please consult each call for more details.
Rules on co-financing
Average co-financing rate of 40%. Consult the Regional Programme document for more details.
Procedures to submit proposal
Interested parties must submit an application to the Region, by completing the online form on the digital help desk of the Abruzzo Region.
The steps to submit a project are outlined here: https://sportello.regione.abruzzo.it/files/Manuale_operativo_sportello_lv.pdf
Calls for proposals: https://coesione.regione.abruzzo.it/avvisi-pubblici
Relevant websites
Regional Programme Abruzzo ERDF 2021-2027
Programme Description – ROP Abruzzo ERDF – EC : https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/in-your-country/programmes/2014-2020/it/2014it16rfop004_en
Contact points
Servizio Autorità di Gestione Unica FESR – FSE