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Maritime Spatial Planning projects (EMFAF-2023-PIA-MSP)


Funding programme or initiative
European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF)
Atlantic and Arctic basinMediterranean Sea basinBaltic and North Sea basinDanube River basin
Deadline date
27 February 2024, 17:00 CET
Publication date
26 October 2023
Mission Objectives
1. Ecosystems and Biodiversity2. Pollution prevention and elimination3. Carbon Neutral and Circular Blue Economy



The call for proposals aims to support the implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) in the EU, with a focus on Directive 2014/89. It seeks to fund innovative projects that address the challenges Member States face when establishing, monitoring or revising their maritime plans. These challenges, which are common to coastal states, require innovative solutions that are applicable within or across sea basins. Member States are urged to align their plans with the objectives of the European Green Deal, address cumulative impacts on the oceans, strengthen cooperation between sea basins and digitise plans through the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) to enhance stakeholder participation and cross-border consultation.

Proposals should focus on developing innovative solutions to address specific challenges faced by EU Member States in implementing or revising their maritime spatial plans. Applicants should focus on one or a combination of the following priorities: 

  1. Develop strategies and approaches to review/revise maritime spatial plans to make them more future-proof, integrated and coherent, especially in a sea-basin context.
  2. Facilitate/enable the development of marine protected areas and economic sectors (e.g. tourism and maritime/underwater cultural heritage, offshore energy, fisheries, aquaculture) in the maritime domain.
  3. Applying an ecosystem-based approach (EBA) to MSP.
  4. Analysing how maritime spatial plans have identified and addressed existing and potential tensions between different sectors.


Detailed information on eligible applicants can be found here

Note that non-EU countries in the Atlantic, Baltic, Black, North and Mediterranean Sea or having waters adjacent to the EU outermost regions, in the framework of cross-border cooperation on maritime spatial planning only if their participation is necessary to achieve the objectives of a given action, and with activities carried out in the framework of Regional Seas Conventions. Proposals from non-EU countries are not eligible.


Project budgets (maximum grant amount) are expected to be between EUR 1 000 000 and EUR 2 500 000 per project, but this does not preclude the submission/selection of proposals requesting submission/selection of proposals requesting other amounts.


Projects should normally last between 24 and 48 months (extensions are possible if duly justified and by means of an amendment).

Contact points

For help with this call: until 27 February 2024. The call identifier should be EMFAF-2023-PIA-MSP.

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