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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

Marine Spatial Planning Instruments for Sustainable Marine Governance


Mission objective
Objective 3c - Blue economy - Decarbonisation and ecosystem perspectives in maritime industries
Baltic basinNorth Sea basinCross-basin
Marine Spatial PlanningSustainable Marine GovernanceMarine Spatial Planning InstrumentsTrainingManualsUnderstanding of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP)Country-Specific ManualsTransnational Co-operation
Type of action
Upscaling, deployment and replication of solutionsEducation and training
Type of knowledge output
Tools (tools and applications used to design, develop, implement project or program, also data analysis tools)
Solution owner


This General Knowledge Manual is crafted with the objective of enhancing comprehension of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP). The manual provides fundamental and crucial information on MSP, serving as a knowledge repository. Specifically tailored for countries bordering the South Baltic Sea, this manual addresses essential aspects of MSP that are universally relevant. These include guidelines, laws, and strategies applicable to all nations sharing affiliations with institutions or organisations such as the EU, UN, or HELCOM. Moreover, it underscores the common bonds in economic, social, cultural, and natural domains. The handbooks aim to foster better mutual understanding among Baltic Sea states and facilitate transnational cooperation.

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