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Join the A-AAGORA Project: Call for Associated Regions

Call for associated regions

A-AAGORA is seeking seven "Associated Regions" to collaborate in the EU Mission to restore our ocean and waters. With financial support of up to €70,000 available, the project targets four key basins: Atlantic-Arctic, Baltic, Mediterranean and Danube & Black Sea. 

Aligned with critical EU strategies such as the Green Deal, Biodiversity Strategy and Zero Pollution Action Plan, A-AAGORA conducts demonstration activities in strategic regions. Notable among these are Portugal's Centro Region, Cork County in Ireland and Norway's Troms Arctic Archipelago. 

At the heart of A-AAGORA's mission is the reduction of pressures on coastal areas through a series of restoration activities. These include the revitalisation of kelp forests, seagrass beds, sand dunes and protection of biodiversity. The project is keen to find Associated Regions willing to replicate these solutions, with a strong emphasis on community engagement throughout the process. 

Second Call for Associated Regions: Get Involved 

A-AAGORA's second call is now open, inviting four additional regions to participate, with a particular focus on those within the Atlantic-Arctic basin. Applicants are asked to propose restoration activities using a Living Lab Approach, which involves active participation from local stakeholders. 

Selected regions will be integral to the project's efforts, engaging in knowledge transfer, stakeholder collaboration and capacity building activities. Moreover, they will become members of the A-AAGORA Community of Practice, facilitating the exchange of ideas and best practices for sustainable outcomes. 

Who Can Apply? 

Local and regional organisations from Member States, overseas and associated countries are eligible to apply. Projects led by local or regional authorities are given priority, provided they can demonstrate how their ecosystems will benefit from the demonstration activities. 

Interested parties are encouraged to apply and become part of this essential initiative aimed at preserving our oceans and waters for future generations. 

See the project’s website for further details: