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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal
Level of governance
Mediterranean Sea basin
Funding mechanisms
Managing institutions
Managing Authority for Interreg Italia-Malta
Mission Objectives
1. Ecosystems and Biodiversity2. Pollution prevention and elimination3. Carbon Neutral and Circular Blue Economy

Description of the funding initiative

The Cooperation Programme promotes the integrated development between Italy (Sicily) and Malta in high technology sectors, aims to create conditions for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and aims to develop the potential of some areas of common interest for the territories of the area such as environmental protection, security of land and sea, cultural heritage, quality of life and health of citizens. The priority axes of the Programme and thematic objectives include:  

  1. Innovation and Research 
  • Strengthening research, technological development and innovation 
  1. Competitiveness 
  • Promoting competitiveness of small and medium sized enterprises 
  • Promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility 
  1. Protecting the Environment and Risk Management  
  • Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency 
  • Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management 
  1. Technical Assistance  
  • To guarantee support actions for the implementation of the programme, improving the efficiency and the effectiveness of the management, and the monitoring of the same. 

Overview of eligibility requirements for applicants

A project partner must possess a legal status among the following: public entity, body governed by public law, private body provided is has a legal personality, third sector entity if included in the National Register for Third Sector (Runts) – for Italian partner - or if registered with the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations or relevant body – for Maltese partner. 

The partnership is made up of at least one (1) partner from each Member State participating in the programme (Sicily and Malta) namely  having registered office or branches or local operational unit or administrative competence in the eligible area of the Programme (Sicily and Malta). 

Partners can also be based in areas outside the two Member States (Sicily and Malta), i.e. in EU Member States, third countries, or overseas countries and territories (hereinafter “OCT”) only if necessary and indispensable to achieve the project results and provided that these results have an impact on the programme area (Sicily and Malta). 

Rules on co-financing

All Italian and Maltese beneficiaries receive reimbursement of the Community share represented by 85% of the expenses actually incurred by the beneficiaries and considered eligible under the subsequent checks and verifications. 

Italian public beneficiaries and Italian public law bodies also receive the reimbursement of the share of the National Contribution (15%) of the expenses actually incurred. Maltese Public beneficiaries receive reimbursement of the share of the National Contribution (15%) of the expenses actually incurred by the beneficiaries and considered eligible. 

Italian and Maltese private beneficiaries as well as Maltese public law bodies do not receive any reimbursement of the share of the National Contribution (15%) which therefore remains the responsibility of the beneficiary to be guaranteed by another public body. 

Procedures to submit proposal

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