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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

Interreg VI-A Estonia-Latvia EstLat

Level of governance
Baltic and North Sea basin
Funding mechanisms
Managing institutions
State Shared Service Center
Mission Objectives
1. Ecosystems and Biodiversity2. Pollution prevention and elimination

Description of the funding initiative

The mission of this Programme is to support sustainable and innovative ideas that help border regions in Estonia and Latvia to grow through neighbourly cooperation. 

The Programme has four priorities of increased cooperation within cross-border regions and development of services, jointly and smartly growing businesses, sustainability and resilience, and more accessible and sustainable cross-border tourism experience. Priority 3 of sustainability and resilience has the objective of enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity, and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution. This focuses on enhancing nature protection and biodiversity, as well as green infrastructure, in particular in the urban environment; reducing pollution, also on developing innovative and sustainable strategies aimed at waste prevention and management in border areas. 

Overview of eligibility requirements for applicants

The projects supported by the Programme must involve at least one Estonian and one Latvian partner and the project activities must bring benefit for the Programme area. The monitoring committee may in duly justified cases approve projects with Estonian or Latvian partners from outside the programme area in case their participation is necessary for the successful implementation of the project and their activities are targeted to the benefit of the programme area. 

Eligible areas are: 

  • Estonia: Hiiu, Jõgeva, Lääne, Põlva, Pärnu, Saare, Tartu, Valga, Viljandi, and Võru 
  • Latvia: Kurzeme, Pierīga, Rīga, and Vidzeme 


Rules on co-financing

Co-financing from the Programme can be up to 80% of the total eligible costs for all types of partners. 

Procedures to submit proposal

The application is submitted by the Lead Partner. It can be national, regional or local public authority, public equivalent body, small and medium size and large enterprises, and non-governmental organizations. 

The Programme uses mainly open calls, call for applications are opened for predefined time. Detailed information on the opening and closing times (date and time) is available on the Programme website  

Relevant websites

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