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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

H2SHIPS Knowledge Exchange Platform


Mission objective
Objective 3b - Blue economy - carbon-neutral and circular fisheries and aquacultureObjective 3c - Blue economy - Decarbonisation and ecosystem perspectives in maritime industries
Cross-basinArctic basinAtlantic basin
Blue renewable energy
Offshore hydrogenRenewable energyShipping, logistics
Type of action
Upscaling, deployment and replication of solutions
Type of knowledge output
Tools (tools and applications used to design, develop, implement project or program, also data analysis tools)
Solution owner


This platform is designed to support the advancement of hydrogen-based solutions for the energy transition in the shipping industry. It provides an extensive and regularly updated database, fostering knowledge exchange and the establishment of a hydrogen community in North-West Europe and beyond. The content of the platform encompasses news related to hydrogen applications in shipping, events related to hydrogen, descriptions of projects and demonstration cases, networks advocating for hydrogen in shipping, and various publications available in the resource center (covering learning and teaching materials, legal texts, scientific and strategic publications). Additionally, it features a tool that offers insights into the characteristics and benefits of hydrogen-based propulsion systems.

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