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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

European Funds for Pomorze Zachodnie (Western Pomerania) 2021-2027

Level of governance
Baltic and North Sea basin
Funding mechanisms
Managing institutions
Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Zachodniopomorskiego
Mission Objectives
1. Ecosystems and Biodiversity2. Pollution prevention and elimination3. Carbon Neutral and Circular Blue Economy
Mission Topics
Relevant to Blue Parks Community

Description of the funding initiative

The European Funds for Pomorze Zachodnie (Western Pomerania) 2021-2027 is financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund Plus. This Fund has seven priorities covering: 

  1. European Funds for an entrepreneurial Western Pomerania 
  2. European Funds for a green Western Pomerania 
  3. European Funds for a mobile Western Pomerania 
  4. European Funds for a connected Western Pomerania 
  5. European Funds for a resident-friendly Western Pomerania 
  6. European Funds for an active Western Pomerania 
  7. European Funds for partnership Western Pomerania 

Priority number two for a green Western Pomerania is linked with Mission Ocean and Waters objectives. Actions under this priority cover energy efficiency, renewable energy, wastewater and sustainable water management, waste management, circular economy, nature protection and conservation, biodiversity, and the reduction of all types of pollution.  

Overview of eligibility requirements for applicants

Information on eligible applicants is provided in individual calls for proposals. The Detailed Description of Priorities document also provides information on the types of beneficiaries under the actions under the different priorities.  

Rules on co-financing

Co-funding rates vary across different calls for proposals. Consult individual calls for information.

Procedures to submit proposal

Applications for funding from the European Regional Development Fund can be made via the WOD2021 platform. Applications for funding from the European Social Fund Plus can be made via the SOWA EFS platform.  

The procedures from submitting a proposal through to receiving funding are outlined here: Application templates are also provided.  

Open calls for proposals can be found here: A schedule of calls is also provided.  

Relevant websites

Contact points  

Refer to individual calls for applications for call-specific contact points.  

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