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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

EU Blue Energy Technologies Portfolio


Mission objective
Objective 3a - Blue economy - multiuse of water space
Mediterranean Sea basin
Blue biotechnologyBlue renewable energy
Blue biotechnologiesWave and tidal powerRenewable energy
Type of action
Evidence-based knowledge and data and/or access provision to knowledge and dataResearch and InnovationUpscaling, deployment and replication of solutions
Type of knowledge output
Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)
Solution owner


The study presents a review, description and analysis of the characteristics, degree of maturity and actual diffusion of Blue Energy technologies suitable to exploit the potential of Mediterranean Sea for the production of clean marine renewable energy. The study summarises the potential for acceleration of the development of Blue energy sector in Mediterranean regions, and the deployment of targeted solutions and products tailored to Mediterranean profile.

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