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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

Embarking on the SHORE journey: nurturing ocean and water literacy in European schools

Open Call

Calling all schools in the Baltic, Black and Mediterranean sea areas, as well as the Danube and Rhine river regions! SHORE is looking for ideas to improve the ocean literacy of primary and secondary students, educators, and schools. 

About SHORE 

SHORE is an EU funded initiative that is striving to increase ocean literacy by engaging students and teachers to implement Mission Ocean objectives, through activities and collaborative projects in schools.  

With this latest call, SHORE is seeking to support educators in developing and utilising new and innovative teaching and learning resources, as well as mobilise students and teachers to co-design, co-develop and co-implement projects that can broaden young people’s ocean & water literacy. 

Successful applicants will receive up to 10 000 € to support their ‘blue project’, as well as expert mentorship and guidance. 


Which types of activities are eligible? 

The open call is open to a range of activities aimed at mobilising primary and secondary school students and teachers. These could include: workshops, exhibitions, expeditions, or competitions. 


Practical information 

Application deadline: 20 March 2024 

How to apply: submit your project on the SHORE submission platform 

For more information and to read eligibility criteria, see the SHORE website