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Climarest announces open call results


Climarest has announced the results of its open call for replication sites.  

In an exciting development for marine restoration efforts, the Climarest project has chosen the Alfred-Wegener Institute (AWI) in Germany as a new site for replicating cutting-edge restoration technologies. This selection comes as part of a broader initiative to enhance marine ecosystems across Europe and beyond. 

The Climarest project, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon EU programme, is dedicated to advancing restoration techniques in diverse coastal areas. With a focus on achieving Mission Ocean objectives, the project spans an impressive range of demonstration sites from the High-Arctic region of Svalbard to the southern waters of the Madeira archipelago. 

Launched on 8 December 2023, the open call invited applications from regions interested in becoming associated replication sites. By the submission deadline on 22 February 2024, two applications were received: one from the AWI in Germany and another from the Länsstyrelsen Västerbotten in Sweden. After a thorough evaluation process considering excellence, impact and implementation, the AWI's Oyster-Hives project was selected for funding. 

The selected project in Germany will focus on oyster reef ecosystems, building on the successful methods demonstrated at the French site. This initiative will see the replication of tools and technologies used in France, aiming to restore and enhance oyster habitats which are crucial for biodiversity and water quality. 

Climarest's goal is to implement and showcase feasible solutions for marine restoration across its five demonstration sites. Currently, replication efforts are funded in Madeira, Ireland, Spain and France. The project is poised to reopen calls for further replication in the Arctic demonstration site, ensuring a comprehensive approach to marine restoration across various ecological contexts. 

Once the Climarest project concludes, the associated regions will continue to demonstrate the practicality of these innovative solutions and integrate the tested tools and technologies into new projects. This ongoing commitment will help ensure the sustainability and broader adoption of successful restoration practices. 

Climarest’s ambitious work highlights the potential for coordinated, science-driven efforts to restore marine ecosystems. By leveraging the expertise and collaborative spirit of various research institutions, this project is setting the stage for a healthier, more resilient marine environment across Europe. 

Read more about the results of the open call here.