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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

Circular and lower impact mussel and seaweed aquaculture by a shift towards bio-based ropes


Mission objective
Objective 2a - Prevent and eliminate pollution - litter and microplasticsObjective 2b - Prevent and eliminate pollution – nutrients‚ chemicals‚ pesticidesObjective 3b - Blue economy - carbon-neutral and circular fisheries and aquaculture
Atlantic basin
Marine living resources
Aquatic plants and algaeShellfishFarming aquacultureBio-based materialsZero-carbon aquaculture
Type of action
Research and Innovation
Type of knowledge output
Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)
Solution owner


This publication titled  "Circular and lower impact mussel and seaweed aquaculture by a shift towards bio-based ropes"  defines the value chain of biogears as more sustainable gears for mussel and seaweed aquaculture, and sustainability issues covering technology, environmental impacts, economy-market, policy, and social drivers for their potential implementation.

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