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Call for associated regions to tackle marine litter


SeaClear2.0 is a Mission Ocean project that combatting marine litter. The team is extending a collaborative opportunity to five Associated Regions in the Atlantic, Arctic, Baltic, Mediterranean and Danube/Black Sea basins. With grants of up to €100,000 each, these regions have the chance to play a pivotal role in demonstrating the effectiveness of SeaClear2.0's methods for identifying, collecting, and valorising marine litter. In return for their partnership, they will have the opportunity to enhance their own capacities and approaches in combating marine litter. This collaboration aims to foster an ocean-literate society by promoting community activation and citizen engagement within the selected regions. 

The funding activities encompass a range of initiatives geared towards tackling marine litter comprehensively. These include: 

  • Collection of Underwater Marine Litter Images: Utilising advanced technology to capture images of underwater marine litter, aiding in its identification and assessment. 
  • Solutions for Handling Marine Microplastics: Developing innovative methods to address the pervasive issue of microplastics in marine environments. 
  • Marine Litter Collection Solutions: Implementing strategies for the collection of marine litter from beaches, coastal areas, and rivers, preventing its further proliferation. 
  • Marine Litter Reuse and Upcycling: Exploring approaches for reusing and upcycling marine litter, thereby reducing its environmental impact. 
  • Mitigation and Prevention Strategies: Developing and implementing targeted strategies to mitigate and prevent marine litter, tailored to the specific needs of each region. 

 The deadline for submissions is 31st May 2024 at 12:00 CET.   

For more information and to access the application portal, click here

This initiative represents a significant step towards addressing the global challenge of marine litter, showcasing the power of collaboration and innovation in safeguarding our oceans for future generations. Join the mission to create a cleaner marine environment.