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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

AtlantECO podcast on marine sciences and the Atlantic Ocean


Mission objective
Objective 1a - Protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversityEnabler 2a - Mobilisation and engagementEnabler 2b - Raising awareness
Atlantic basin
Marine living resources
Active learningOcean literacyClean oceanEnvironmental protectionEcosystem approachOcean observation
Type of action
Outreach, awareness raising and participatory approachesEvidence-based knowledge and data and/or access provision to knowledge and data
Type of knowledge output
Multimedia (Visuals, video)
Solution owner


The AtlantECO podcast serves as a dedicated platform for the popularisation of science. It focuses on the AtlantECO marine science project, primarily centred around the Atlantic Ocean. The podcast features three episode types: "Unveiling AtlantECO," which explores project concepts and research findings, "Atlantic Journeys," in which oceanic realities and regions are discussed with those actively engaged in oceanic expeditions, and "Across Marine Sciences," covering broader marine science topics.

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