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Better forecasting to head off acute pollution events in Asia

Air quality in South East Asia is a major concern as the region further develops. European and Chinese scientists teamed up to develop space and ground-based tools and methods to monitor, model and forecast regional air quality and a growing list of emission types. Authorities can use the tools to plan for or prevent acute air-quality incidents, potentially saving thousands of lives.

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Connecting the dots for multi-messenger astrophysics

How do you see the invisible in our Universe? Various types of detectors can be used, and an EU-funded project is making it easier to piece together the bigger picture from the different signals they observe. In the process, it is helping to strengthen Europe's position at the leading edge of research into the nature of the Universe.

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Better hydraulic research to reduce risks of flooding

With countries facing greater risks of flooding due to climate change, an EU-funded project is promoting access to experimental hydraulic research facilities, bringing researchers together and accelerating the application of cutting-edge science to speed up adaptation to climate change.

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Designer proteins for new bio-tech applications

An EU-funded project has developed a technique to design and synthesise highly stable proteins. The approach enables proteins to be made from scratch, tailored to carry out specific tasks for advances in fields such as biomedicine and biotech - boosting Europe's competitiveness.

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