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Tasty and nutritious food for senior citizens

As a person ages, their appetite and physical capacity to eat can diminish. To prevent malnutrition among senior citizens and make eating a pleasure for them, an EU-funded project has developed tasty fruit- and vegetable-based foods adapted to their health needs.

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Personalised medicine for disease prevention

Medical practitioners are increasingly adopting a 'personalised medicine' (PM) approach involving individually tailored patient care. An EU-funded project is fostering collaboration on PM research and training, with special emphasis on the prevention of chronic diseases.

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A roadmap for wider access to scientific results

Open science and new technology, which make research findings freely available to everyone, have revolutionised academic research. An EU-funded project has proposed solutions and recommendations to ensure scientific discoveries are communicated as widely as possibly for the benefit of other researchers, industry and society as a whole.

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Getting green renewables into the grid

Today's clean, renewable energy is bringing power to millions with virtually no adverse environmental impact. An EU-funded project is modelling the power sector and assessing different scenarios for the further integration of green renewables into the electrical grid.

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Helping small farmers to meet growing food needs

The expansion of the world's population poses a number of urgent challenges, including increasing food production. An EU-funded project is developing an Earth observation (EO)-based IT platform that provides key information and advisory services to small farmers, to help them play their part in meeting future food needs.

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Better flood warnings over the phone

An EU-funded project has brought together satellite-imaging data with crowd-sourced information from a mobile phone app to provide better information and warnings for citizens and emergency responders during flooding events.

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