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Cooking up a plan to conserve Andean crop diversity

From tackling poverty, climate change and environmental degradation to preserving cultural heritage and agricultural sustainability, crop diversity is integral to solving some of the greatest challenges on the planet. An EU-backed research effort has made agrobiodiversity conservation in the Andean region its business. The hope is that crops like tarwi, amaranth, cañahua, arracacha, yacón and isaño could one day become household names as quinoa is today.

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Pest management in Europe, it's everybody's business

With livelihoods at stake, Europe's farmers are relying on the support of the EU and international research expertise to prevent and/or mitigate widespread damage to their crops and harvests. The scale of the cooperation involved shows that integrated pest management is everybody's business.

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Human-machine cooperation in healthcare

People are increasingly interacting with intelligent technology, as the real and digital worlds become intertwined. An EU-funded project is working to bring new forms of human-machine collaboration into real-life educational settings for healthcare providers that will benefit students, trainers and patients.

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A blueprint for accelerating research collaborations

International collaboration is a driving force behind innovation, but for cooperation to occur effectively researchers must be able to securely and efficiently share resources, data and knowledge. An EU-funded project is proposing technical solutions and guidance to achieve unprecedented international interoperability between research communities.

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Ramping up connectivity in remote regions

Drones, small satellites and smart software are set to enhance connectivity in some of the world's harshest environments thanks to an EU-funded project enabling innovative applications for Internet of Things devices such as polar climate sensors.

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WaveRoller - turning waves into electricity

Finnish firm AW-Energy is tapping into wave power as a clean energy source. A loan supported by the InnovFin-EU finance for innovators initiative under the EU's Horizon 2020 programme and extended by the European Investment Bank has helped it bring its WaveRoller device to the commercialisation phase.

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