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Helping Africa 'hack' into Open Science

An EU-funded project has given African researchers the knowledge and tools they need to develop their own science gateways, web portals and accessible data repositories, helping to make their work more visible around the world.

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Infrastructure boost for planetary science in Europe

How do planets form? How do they evolve? What could their past tell us about our own planet's future? An EU-funded project facilitating access to crucial data and top-flight infrastructure is placing planetary scientists in a better position to explore such questions as part of Europe's cutting-edge contribution to space research.

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New insight into how the brain develops

Humankind has always had a fascination with the brain - how it develops, how it works and how things can go wrong. By tracking a neuron's path through the brain, neuroscientists with the EU-funded MOMECODE project have given us new insight into how the brain develops.

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