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Researchers predict huge CO<sub>2</sub> release by 2050

As the Earth warms, it releases trapped carbon into the atmosphere. Just how much is likely to be released and the impact it could have on the planet has been the subject of much debate. EU-funded researchers can now offer new insights into likely soil activity in climate-change scenarios.

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Bespoke sanitation solutions for water-stressed regions

With EU backing, an international team has developed a unique bespoke - modular yet integrated - solution for reusing wastewater in remote and/or water-stressed communities. The patented technologies are being piloted in locations where water is a precious commodity for agriculture or in the conservation of natural freshwater ecosystems.

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Strengthening Europe's CBRN industry

Defending the public against the malicious use of CBRN materials is a vital responsibility for European authorities, but it also represents a significant opportunity for European companies. An EU-funded project is working to promote a more efficient, sustainable and globally competitive European CBRN industry.

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High-tech detection of fraudulent documents

The making and use of false documents is responsible for enormous losses in societal and individual human terms. An EU-funded research initiative is piloting a high-tech detector of fraudulent documents, to be used by financial, border-control and law-enforcement services.

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