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Taking a fresh look at airport operations

Encouraging new ideas and fresh thinking is critical for innovation in aviation in order to respond to the growing demand for air travel and to the increasing number of air vehicles taking to the skies, including drones. That is why the SESAR Joint Undertaking supports exploratory research and has created an innovation pipeline in its research programme that transforms innovative ideas into solutions to increase the performance of air traffic management (ATM). This article provides a sample of just some of these innovative projects.

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Smarter wings for bird-like flights

Taking inspiration from nature, an EU-funded project is developing smart airplane wings that can sense changes in pressure and adapt their shape instantaneously. These airplanes of the future will be more energy efficient and silent: more bird-like, in effect.

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Aviation boost through box-wing design

Increase capacity, reduce fuel consumption, curb pollution? If they were based on a box-wing design, aircraft of any given wingspan could achieve more with less, say EU-funded researchers who are preparing this technology for take-off. The concept they are proposing is referred to as a 'PrandtlPlane'.

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Delivering Aviation 4.0

On the surface, 'digitalisation' might sound like just another trending but meaningless buzzword. But digitalisation is real and is radically changing the way we live and more specifically the way we travel. SESAR, the technological pillar of the Single Europe Sky, is working with stakeholders in the aviation value chain to develop and deliver tech solutions to meet the passenger demand for seamless, smart and safe air travel.

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Smart route planner empowers passengers

EU-funded researchers aim to make air travel more efficient by equipping passengers with a comprehensive route planner, accessible via a smartphone app. The technology is in place, and trials with passengers travelling between Berlin and Palma de Mallorca have started recently.

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