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Putting the metal to polymers for advanced materials

An EU-funded researcher has advanced the science of self-assembling materials by investigating the behaviours of a variety of metallopolymers. The research could potentially feed into applications such as better light-emitting devices, energy storage, data storage, sensors and solar cells - boosting the EU's competitiveness.

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Preparing for the next revolution in production and logistics

Cyber-physical systems that blend the digital and real worlds are driving the development of smart factories, transport networks, electricity grids and even cities. The opportunities and risks presented by this expanding Internet of Things and big-data environment are being explored in-depth by EU-funded researchers.

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Powering a battery storage revolution

The atomic structure of common table salt could hold the key to a revolution in energy storage. EU-funded researchers are developing batteries that will extend the life of your mobile, power electric cars farther and support Europe's transition to renewables.

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Balancing social cohesion and urban regeneration

EU research is exploring issues raised by the regeneration of urban areas and the frequent resulting displacement of existing populations, comparing case studies in both Europe and major Latin American cities. Lessons learned will inform future urban restructuration policies.

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Graphene expertise for touch screens with a twist

Bendable, rollable, scrunchable - touch screen technology is on the move, and the scope for flexibility is just one of the possibilities that has emerged. With its many exciting properties, graphene is anticipated as a game changer for this shift. An EU-funded network is training a group of experts keen to harness this potential.

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Solving the sand challenge for desert railways

EU-funded researchers are developing solutions to shelter train tracks from wind-blown sand, combining architectural, engineering and mathematical modelling innovations to improve safety, reduce maintenance costs and protect billions of euros’ worth of railway infrastructure.

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Community-based techniques to tackle obesity

Obesity - a leading cause of preventable illness and death - has soared in Europe in recent decades. Analysis by EU-funded researchers has helped identify integrated, community-based approaches to tackle the problem. The findings could foster new ways to save lives and cut healthcare costs.

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Caring for the mental health of young carers

Thousands of children across Europe care for a sick or elderly relative, potentially to the detriment of their schooling, social development and mental health. A pioneering EU-funded project will provide much-needed support for this largely unrecognised group of young people.

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