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Real-time crisis communications system helps save lives

An EU-funded project developed a potentially life-saving security system that boosts communication between the public and first responders in crisis situations such as terror attacks or natural disasters. It has since been adapted and is now being used by United Nations staff in the field.

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State-of-the-art radar to keep coastal borders safe

An EU-funded project has developed a high-tech detection system to combat coastal crime such as smuggling, human trafficking, drug running, spying and terrorism. The software should keep maritime border security up to date and improve defence across Europe and further afield.

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New building blocks to support tissue engineering

Tissue engineering is used to grow alternatives to donor tissue, but getting this tissue to integrate in patients has previously proved complicated. An EU-funded project addressed this problem by developing an innovative modular approach to engineering complex tissues with different cell types.

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Taking the fight to cyber criminals

Large companies are increasingly finding themselves the targets of malicious cyber attacks. An EU-funded project is developing an IT-based tool that detects cyber-attacks as they occur. The tool extracts information about attackers and obstructs their actions, thereby protecting companies, their employees, clients and shareholders, and the wider economy against damages.

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Smart lie-detection system to tighten EU's busy borders

An EU-funded project is developing a way to speed up traffic at the EU's external borders and ramp up security using an automated border-control system that will put travellers to the test using lie-detecting avatars. It is introducing advanced analytics and risk-based management at border controls.

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Helping law enforcement to make more of innovation

New technologies play a major role in almost all aspects of modern life. The area of law enforcement is no exception. An EU-funded project is helping law-enforcement organisations to identify, evaluate and adopt relevant, cutting-edge technologies that show the greatest potential to support police work.

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