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Tools to counter violent radicalisation

The phenomenon of radicalisation has become a source of grave concern for law-enforcement and security agencies, as well as for the general public. An EU-funded research project is developing an IT-based tool kit to help prevent and counter violent radicalisation and extremism.

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Using social media to strengthen public security

An EU-funded project is improving understanding of the opportunities, challenges and legal and ethical considerations arising from the use of social media in policing. The project aims to provide a roadmap, including recommendations, to help policymakers better target ways to fight crime and improve public safety.

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Innovation in energy technology powers research careers

Breakthrough battery technologies will play a vital role in achieving the EU's goal of lowering carbon emissions by storing renewable energy for use around the clock and increasing the uptake of electric vehicles. EU-funded research is developing new energy-storage options that will have an enormous impact in Europe, creating new jobs and helping to protect our environment.

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Fighting internet-based financial crimes and scams

As a powerful force for good around the world, the internet is also exploited by criminals to steal money from people. An EU-funded project is creating an innovative, IT-based platform to help law enforcement fight web-based crimes. The aim is to protect people against internet-based theft and scams.

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Gauging the resilience of smart critical infrastructures

Today, both public and private operators are integrating digital technologies into Europe's critical infrastructures, including the electrical grid and utility and financial networks. An EU-funded project is developing new tools and methods for assessing the resilience of smart critical infrastructures (SCIs). This will help protect against attacks or other catastrophic failure that could ultimately harm citizens.

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IT platform to improve disaster management

Society is increasingly exposed and vulnerable to natural disasters. Extreme weather events are becoming more common across Europe and the world. EU-funded researchers are developing an IT platform to support the entire disaster-management cycle.

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