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Power of 'social' in low-carbon innovation take-up

Climate change mitigation, green labels, renewable energy, clean technology... we are familiar with the words, but how much do we really know and what do we think about them? The EU-funded SILCI project is exploring the world of low-carbon innovations and how they spread through processes of social influence.

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Preventing parasites with new vaccines

Preventing parasites in poultry, cattle and other livestock is a major concern for Europe's farmers. As current treatments prove less effective or desirable, EU-funded scientists are working on new vaccines to keep animals healthy and safeguard our food supply.

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Understanding freedom of movement in the EU

Free movement of persons is a fundamental principle of the European Union, but intra-EU transit comes with economic, social and political challenges. The EU-funded REMINDER project is investigating public opinion and the impact of free movement - helping to inform EU policy.

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Remote control of transplanted cells in Parkinson's

Cell-replacement therapies, including stem cell transplant, give hope to patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's. An EU-funded project aims to improve the outcome of such therapies, using magnetic manipulation of cells at the site of transplantation.

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The easy way to the right e-infrastructure services

E-infrastructures are fast becoming essential tools for researchers and industry, providing digital services in data management, computing and networking. An EU-funded project has developed a comprehensive online catalogue of European e-infrastructures to help users make informed choices about what is available.

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Bio-based smart food packaging to reduce waste

An EU and industry-funded project is working on the development of bio-based smart food packaging that will reduce waste by monitoring and extending shelf-life, while being compostable, biodegradable or recyclable - good for the environment. It has already developed biodegradable packaging that incorporates an oxygen sensor to monitor shelf-life.

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