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Research and Innovation

All success stories

Advancing gender equality in research and innovation

An EU-funded project has set up a network of national policymakers and civil servants to advance gender equality in science, technology and innovation in the European Research Area (ERA). Europe will benefit as more women have the opportunity to contribute their skills to research and innovation.

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Promoting gender equality in science

European science is missing out on talent as leadership positions remain predominantly occupied by men. To challenge this gender imbalance, an EU-funded project is helping research institutes support female staff in their research career and encouraging work-life balance.

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Cleaning up oil in a cold climate

Exploration and production of oil and gas are entering ever more extreme environments. An EU-funded project is examining the best ways to respond to accidental oil spills in the icy waters of the Arctic.

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Support for patients with respiratory diseases

An EU and industry-funded project has developed new patient-centred tools and approaches to help people with chronic obstructive respiratory disease (CODP) get more personalised treatments - a means to boost their activity levels, health and well-being.

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Synergistic jet engines for cleaner aviation

An EU-funded project has developed new engine design concepts with the potential to radically improve aircraft efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase sustainability and boost European industry competitiveness. These new designs aim to maximise synergies between various existing and novel engine technologies.

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Autonomous robots to improve disaster relief

An EU-funded project promoted knowledge and skills exchange between Europe and China in the field of robotics. As a result, researchers have come up with a prototype smart rescue robot that could improve cooperation between humans and robots in disaster situations - helping to save lives.

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