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Advancing African water management

EU-funded researchers are using mathematical models to improve water management in Africa. Their aim is to balance the water, energy and food needs of communities in a sustainable way while allowing for economic development.

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Greater resource efficiency for consumer goods

An EU-funded project aims to boost resource efficiency in the electrical and electronic sector by developing, testing and transferring new circular economy business models based on systemic eco-innovative services. This should save money, create jobs and cut emissions.

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New magnetic liquids to convert waste heat into energy

EU-funded researchers are developing new liquid magnetic materials that convert waste heat into electricity. The long-term aim for these materials, which are both affordable and environmentally friendly, is to use them to harness waste thermal energy to reduce energy consumption and help tackle the global energy crisis.

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Camelina, crambe and prized fatty acids: food for thought

Special fatty acids from tropical crops are used in many chemical products derived from vegetable oils. As a result, EU manufacturers are exposed to import price fluctuations. We could source these acids from home-grown crops instead, say EU-funded researchers whose work could help boost competitiveness.

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Advanced molecular technique boosts cancer research

After cardiovascular diseases, cancer is the second leading cause of death and morbidity in European countries and is one of the most significant health challenges worldwide. An EU-funded project is developing new tools for diagnosing cancer and for understanding the role of proteins in this and other major diseases.

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Better support when it gets harder to see, hear or think

Your hearing's shot, your memory is playing up, and your eyesight isn't what it used to be... Many of us will develop two or more of these impairments as we age. Their combined effect on older persons' ability to cope is greater than the sum of its parts, say EU-funded researchers who are working on ways to attenuate this joint impact.

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Solar fuel turns to plants for inspiration

An 'artificial leaf' being developed by EU-funded researchers to produce fuel from sunlight, carbon dioxide and water, could tackle soaring global energy demands, the growing impact of climate change, and dwindling supplies of fossil fuels.

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Probing the causes of ecosystem change

Satellite data has great potential for detecting changes in ecosystems. An EU-funded project is combining space and ground data to develop an innovative method of monitoring ecosystems, to give early warnings of ecosystem change and biodiversity loss.

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