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Information technology

Putting data privacy back in the hands of EU citizens

If data is the new gold, it’s only fair that its rightful owners can use and share it as they please. A novel Privacy-Enhanced Dashboard has been developed by the EU-funded PoSeID-on project. This will make it easier for EU citizens to exercise greater control over their personal data, across a wide range of public and private services.

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Solving the papyrus puzzle

The ancient Egyptians left behind a plethora of papyri containing valuable written information but most of these have remained unpublished and unstudied. The EU-funded ELEPHANTINE project has created a large database and a new software solution that could soon change this. This could allow for a much better understanding of some of the world’s most fascinating ancient civilisations.

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Building a cloud-based hub for all things research

The EU is developing a dedicated cloud repository for all the scientific research happening in Europe. To ensure easy access to and reuse of this information, the EU-funded EOSC-hub project developed an intuitive user interface and other tools. Researchers can now take advantage of the wealth of information already stored on the cloud, ultimately benefiting citizens as science becomes more open.

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New interface makes open Earth Observation data truly open

Earth Observation data is information about Earth’s physical, chemical and biological systems, often coming from satellites. The EU-funded openEO project developed a new interface to help users access, process and compare data from different providers. This is an important step towards allowing communication between platforms from different providers, benefiting researchers and citizens.

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Tasty, safe and sustainable: seafood as it should be

The list of innovations brought about by the EU-funded SEAFOODTOMORROW project is impressive. Project outcomes range from new production and processing methods, tailor-made healthy seafood and smartphone apps for consumers. Thanks to the project’s efforts, consumers and citizens can now benefit from higher quality, safer, more transparent and more sustainable seafood products.

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A clever shortcut to useful innovations in healthcare

A new innovative model allows health organisations across Europe to access new technologies through collaboration with IT companies. Some 22 solutions improving healthcare staff and patients’ daily lives have been developed using this model by the EU-funded inDemand project. And more will come soon, promising an even bigger boost in the drive to provide citizens with high-quality healthcare.

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Creating new collaborative opportunities in Additive Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing creates cost-effective, complex parts for many industries. However, many businesses and institutions lack the necessary knowledge and experience to benefit from it. The EU-funded INEX-ADAM project aims to share best practices and encourage collaborations through a dedicated industrial platform that will strengthen European industry, boost the economy and benefit citizens.

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Understanding the social impacts of automation

Many fear that automation could lead to severe unemployment and that our education systems are not fit for purpose. To address these concerns, the EU-funded TECHNEQUALITY project is examining the potential social consequences of our digital age. The findings could help governments to devise policies that maximise economic growth to benefit citizens, whilst mitigating potential social harm.

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Better preparation for job-seeking migrants with a new web-based app

Migrants are often misjudged, purely based on their legal status. The EU-funded SIRIUS project delivers a web-based application to equip migrants with information to better prepare themselves to face the labour market. This will benefit all citizens as the successful integration of migrants into labour markets will help address some of Europe’s pressing societal challenges.

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The ultimate platform to handle extreme weather events

During natural disasters, response teams need all the help they can get. The line between success and failure is often paper-thin and innovative IT solutions can make a big difference. Through beAWARE, an EU-funded project, stakeholders have access to a platform integrating high-end technologies and an entirely new approach to disaster management that will ultimately help keep citizens safe.

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