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Information technology

Assisted living technology made easy

Some people take pleasure in an epic struggle to configure a new wireless device. Others, not so much. For them, it would be great if the electronics they need could, please, just sort themselves out to work straight out of the box. An EU-funded project has found a way to achieve this level of user-friendliness for assisted living technologies.

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Understanding a changing Europe through big data

The EU-funded LONGPOP project will train young researchers in the skills needed to fully exploit big data. With a focus on social change, the researchers will be able to apply the knowledge and techniques learnt to helping welfare systems prepare for the years ahead.

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Reflecting on cultural opposition to communism

The EU-funded COURAGE project is compiling and analysing collections of cultural opposition in former socialist countries, making the collections more accessible for educational and research purposes and highlighting their importance as a testimony to anti-communist opposition in Europe.

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