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Information technology

Digitising crafts to preserve cultural heritage

Many heritage crafts are at risk of being lost to time as they are practised less. To preserve them, the EU-funded Mingei project digitised their creative processes and the final products. As well as safeguarding European culture, the project could boost local tourism.

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Tools to protect and optimise Europe’s internet communications

When internet routers fail, the consequences are wide-ranging. The EU-funded SafeNet project has released the first publicly available open-source tool to detect and fix router bugs. This together with commercial software to optimise data centre networks are helping to protect the communications infrastructure European citizens rely on.

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A green digital currency built on trust

From their colossal carbon footprint to their expensive and complex application, cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are marred by numerous problems. The EU-funded AT2 project is taking a new, minimalist approach to decentralised payments. The result is a new class of blockchain algorithms that could offer citizens a cleaner, simpler payment system.

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Helping land managers make sense of remote sensing data

The huge amount of environmental information available to decision makers can be overwhelming. The EU-funded LANDSUPPORT project developed an easy-to-use web platform that combines satellite, drone and remote sensing data with cutting-edge models. Using this, farmers, policymakers and even citizens can easily find relevant information and make informed environmental choices.

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Where our senses meet technology

We interact with technology on a daily basis, but almost entirely through our eyes and ears. The EU-funded SenseX project has unveiled a multisensory experience design. This new approach offers citizens technology that incorporates all their senses.

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Artificial intelligence accelerates the hunt for cancer drivers

Identifying the specific genetic mutations that cause cancer has always been a challenge. The EU-funded NONCODRIVERS project offers a solution with a pioneering approach that applies machine learning based modelling to tumour data. This could lead to more personalised therapies that save the lives of thousands of citizens every year.

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Quantum spookiness materialises in the macroworld

Physicists have long wondered if the laws of quantum mechanics also apply to the ‘classical’ world. The EU-funded CAVITYQPD project has shown quantum entanglement between macroscale objects. Harnessing the quantum behaviour of everyday objects could propel citizens from the digital to the quantum age, facilitating our lives with vastly more sophisticated technologies.

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Putting data privacy back in the hands of EU citizens

If data is the new gold, it’s only fair that its rightful owners can use and share it as they please. A novel Privacy-Enhanced Dashboard has been developed by the EU-funded PoSeID-on project. This will make it easier for EU citizens to exercise greater control over their personal data, across a wide range of public and private services.

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