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Information technology

Water infrastructure tools help Europe’s cities go with the flow

Half of the world’s population lives in cities, and this figure is growing. Delivering water and sewage services in urban areas continues to be a significant challenge, especially in the face of climate change. Digital tools developed by the EU-funded DWC project are already being used to maintain Europe’s commitment to high-quality water infrastructure.

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Sustainable ICT solutions for our connected world

The continuous rise of mobile communications has transformed how we work, live and play. But the power needed to deliver this growing data infrastructure has an equally large carbon footprint. Through 15 fellowships, the EU-funded GREENEDGE project aims to design energy-efficient technologies and combine them with the efficient management of ambient energy sources to reduce the impact of data services.

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Bringing high-tech industries to Hungary

The unequal development of industry is a major challenge in Europe. The EU-funded EPIC project created a new Centre of Excellence in Hungary, focused on cutting-edge industrial technologies such as digitalisation, big data analytics, robotics and artificial intelligence. The facilities and training programmes will boost local industry and support a new generation of high-skilled workers.

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Cutting-edge tech helps Europe’s search and rescue teams work together

A lack of interoperability can leave Europe’s first response teams relying on basic safety equipment and their wits. The EU-funded Search and Rescue project developed a communications platform to help disparate teams effectively collaborate, sharing information and resources. The consortium also produced a range of technologies, from radiation sensors to a robotic sniffer dog.

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How satellites are boosting climate resilience of EU cities

Our cities are home to the vast majority of Europeans, but they are under pressure from the complexities of climate change and rapid urbanisation. The EU-funded CURE project leveraged the power of Earth Observation satellites to address these issues, aiming to create safer, more sustainable cities for EU citizens.

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Turning seaports into smart ports

Inside Europe’s bustling seaports lies a wealth of untapped data. Despite digitalisation, much of this information still goes unused. The EU-funded DataPorts project is an initiative focused on leveraging Europe’s maritime data to revolutionise port operations and enhance efficiency.

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A holistic model to help Europe’s farmers

European agriculture stands at a crossroads, with farmers under pressure from rising costs, debt, climate change and the threat of cheap imports. The EU-funded project Ploutos sought to deliver wholesale change with a Sustainable Innovation Framework that delivers powerful innovations along the value chain.

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AI trained on Classics helps historians fill in the blanks

Ancient inscriptions can teach us a lot about past civilisations. The problem is that these inscriptions are often illegible, or their place of origin is unknown. To help, the EU-funded PythiaPlus project developed an AI-based tool that historians can use to restore missing text, and establish an inscription’s original date and place of writing.

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The EU-funded software keeping you safe while you read this

Public bodies, businesses and citizens in the EU face an increasing risk of cyberattacks, from snooping to ransomware. The CRYSPEN project successfully demonstrated how technology developed by EU-funded cryptographic research could deliver new security standards for web browsing through a commercial spinout.

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